When you have played video games while you were young, or even if you
are still playing now, you may have been amazed of the places and
locations where stories happen, battles are being fought, and where
plots are being unfold. While these areas may leave an impression in
your head, because of the majesty, the beauty, and even the creativity,
you may have thought if these venues can be visited somewhere in the
planet. Lo and behold, here are the top 10 lists of places in video
games that actually exist on Earth, which you may visit at any time.
10. New Marais
One of the cities in Infamous 2 is quite different
when seen at night. Inspired from the scenes of New Orleans as
envisioned by artist Sucker Punch, he was able to create one part of the
suburbs that reflect on the real city’s colorful and lively nightlife.
9. Arkham Asylum
In the XBox 360 or PS3 game for Batman, Arkham Asylum is the place
where super villains such as Joker, Poison Ivy, or Kane are imprisoned
after being caught by the Dark Knight. If you were an ordinary guy, you
would never visit this place as it is strictly protected. But don’t
fret; you can spend some time in Danvers State Hospital, in
Massachusetts, to feel the insanity within.
8. Isengard
Isengard is the place known as one of the fortresses of Gondor in
Lord of the Rings. This is also known as Saruman’s base of operation,
which even appeared on Lord of the Rings Online. However, this same
tower and city has a great resemblance to the University of Birmingham
in England. The towers on both locations have a great similarity!
7. Manchester Cathedral
It could have been any made-up place or Church that could set the
plot of Resistance: Fall of Man, as convincing as it could be, knowing
that the game is about alternate history of alien invasions during 1951.
However, Sony still chose to keep the location within the game, say, to
make things more convincing for the players.
6. Vice City
One Grand Theft Auto game is very similar to the streets and the
physical features of Miami, Florida due to the abundant sight of palm
trees near buildings, on roads, and even on wharfs where yachts and
boats are parked. Even the color of the city at night resembles one of
US’ most active places.
5. Kathmandu
As you play Nathan Drake in Uncharted 2, searching for the secret
treasures of Marco Polo, you will find yourself walking on the streets,
markets, and even building roofs on the city of Kathmandu in Nepal. The
resemblance is quite amazing that most details on walls, signage, and
even street tiles have been critically made.
4. Kamurocho
As you play Sega’s Yakuza for PS3 or XBox 360, you will find yourself
playing in an imaginary city of Japan, as this group of mafia rose to
fame in this land. However, you will find yourself playing in a
seemingly real world when you arrive at Kamurocho due to the
similarities it depicts from Kabukicho’s red light district.
3. Overwatch Nexus
Find yourself walking in streets, along the buildings, and even on
hallways that are teeming with aliens and deformed humans in Half Life
2. But as you go along the way, you will notice one building where these
extraterrestrials are mingling, which is called the Overwatch Nexus. Oh
wait, you may identify this as the Serbia Parliament building.
2. Liberty City
Grand Theft Auto has been quite famous of creating
large scale cities, provinces, and towns that are inspired from the real
thing. However, there is one amazing city in the game that has taken
every inch of New York City, in the form of Liberty City. From the
Statue of Liberty, to the evening skylights, and even Times Square,
everything has been artistically rendered.
1. Silent Hill
For all horror game enthusiasts, Silent Hill has been one of the best
places that introduced evil lurking in far town corners and buildings,
hidden in creepy mists. However, this same scary place can be found in
the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania where smokes are up all day. This is
due to the burning mines that are underneath the town, where it still
burns now, just as it was more than 50 years ago. Oh yeah, sinkholes,
cracked roads, and abandoned buildings are also available.
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