Friday 25 May 2012

10 Reasons Why You Hate Rebecca Black More Than Justin Bieber

Music is a very pleasurable past time for people all over the world, and there can’t be many people that not been influenced by a band or a singer.
In a time where we have access to some the best music and musicians in the world, there has been an emerging crop of young stars making a splash on the music scene and capturing the world’s attention. Though sometimes, for all the wrong reasons.
Now you might be derided in some circles if you called yourself a music lover then owned up to actually liking Rebecca Black and or Justin Beieber. But the fact remains, both of these young artists have a massive following and fan base. In her Google talk, Lady Gaga proclaimed Rebecca Black a “genius”. She then went on to say that “anyone who thought any different, was full of sh*t”.
Both Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black are being pegged as child prodigies, but there seem to be many people who believe that Justin Bieber is a far better performer and artist than Black. His association with internationally known RnB artist Usher Raymond, instantly gives Bieber some extra brownie points.
Let’s be honest, there are also a ton of of people who do not like or have anything positive to say about either of these two performers, and think they’re both pretty lame. But in the battle of the tween star, most seem to prefer Bieber over Black. The poor girl has been the subject of hate campaigns and ridicule ever since she was brave enough to showcase her self-penned and produced song, It’s Friday.

RebeccaBlackBieber 10 Reasons Why You Hate Rebecca Black More Than Justin Bieber
1.The most prevalent reason for hating Black more than Bieber maybe the totally over the top attitude adopted by the young girl. She seems to like a lot of make-up and a style of clothing not appropriate for girls her age. Quite simply put, Black sends a chill down many a parent’s spine when they think, that their daughter could be moulding herself after this particular American teen.

2. Another reason people cited as one of the top 10 reasons why you hate Rebecca Black more than Justin Bieber, is the fact that lots of people feel that Black has purchased her popularity with a small sum of 2000$. And has tried to do something for which she has no talent whatsoever- sing.
What people seem to overlook though, is that both black and Bieber where discovered via YouTube.

3. Justin Bieber is a self-taught musician who has worked hard to be where he is today. This means he is viewed far more positively by musicians, music lovers and even by his most critical detractors. The fact that most people do not even credit Black with the ability to sing in the bathroom, possibly accounts for why they hate Black more than they can hate Bieber.Though if you have listened to Bieber’ Christmas album, you’ll hear him hit a few duff notes.

4. The lyrics of Blacks “Friday” is said to be the next top ten reason for why people hate Rebecca Black more than Justin Bieber. Some say ‘the totally asinine lyrics show a complete lack of imagination and could be accredited to a kindergartener’. These sorts of comments have not done Black any favours.

5. Justin Bieber has been far more subdued than Rebecca Black when it comes to public appearances and has projected a far saner image of himself in comparison. This is possibly another reason for people to prefer him over Black.
However, Justin hasn’t done himself any favours with his on again off again relationship with Selena Gomez and reports in 2011 that he got a teenage fan pregnant. This caused an angry vicious black lash by Biebers fans against the lady in question, but funnily enough, none of this seems to have dampened his popularity with his female fans.

6. While it is true that both artists have emerged from the huge talent pool of the YouTube, people attribute Black’s popularity to management and good marketing, rather than pure raw talent. They feel that the ‘likes’ on Bieber’s YouTube channel are far more genuine when compared to Blacks.

7. While Justin Bieber has a soft and gentle side to him which appeals to his predominantly female audience. Black can come off as somewhat masculine in her public appearances, and this has not gone down too well with the audience. This could be just another one of the top 10 reasons why you hate Rebecca Black more than Justin Bieber.

8. Justin Bieber has proven that he has some ability to act and has given fairly noteworthy performances in TV shows. Black does not seem to have any acting talent either and promoting herself as the future Lady Gaga, is most definitely adding to the many reasons as to why people hate her more than Bieber. But let’s not forget, Gaga did publicly endorse her, so maybe Black in smarter than we all give her credit for.

9. The lyrics of Black’s Friday are stupid enough, but to copy the tune of Bieber’s ‘Baby’ is one step too far in popular opinion. And this is one of the top ten reasons as to why you hate Rebecca Black more than Justin Bieber.
Though some might say; ripping off something that is popular and making it your own is brilliance. And the fact that has been done by far more popular stars for decades doesn’t hurt her case either.

10. Finally, the last of the top 10 reasons as to why you hate Rebecca Black more than Justin Bieber, is the fact that people see her parents as people who have very low values. When compared to Bieber does mom, who brought him up as a single mom in a God fear household with only the help of her parents. Black lags way behind Bieber in the popularity stakes.

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