Are you the big fan of Harry Potter ? I am too!.Here is awesome news for all the lovers of Harry Potter.Recently Pottermore which is the official site for Harry Potter Experience by J.K Rowling has launched an online Pottermore Shop,from where you can easily download your favorite Harry potter ebooks,audio books and much more.
There you will get all the books,which you can buy and read in the way.
So,hope you are excited to go inside Pottermore this April.Share your love about harry Potter below by leaving your comments.

There you will get all the books,which you can buy and read in the way.
What is Pottermore ?Pottermore is a unique online Harry potter experience by J.K Rowling,who is the writer of Harry Potter Series.At this moment it is in beta! so you can only go inside pottermore when you are the member of Beta version.I am (Aryan) also the part of Pottermore Beta version.It is very cool site,you all will be able to login into Pottermore in the early April.My name is HexAvis56 in the Pottermore site.Below are some of the screenshots of inside of Pottermore Beta version.

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