Hello Friends.Many of you are landed here because you want to promote your site or blog to internet.May be some of your are new blogger like me who just started blogging.In a new state of blogging it is very necessary to promote our blogs to other site and get Backlinks,so that we can get indexed in google with high page rank.
Few things about Backlinks

- Backlinks are the links which are point back to your site from other site.
- The are also sometime termed as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links etc.
- Getting more Backlinks are important but more important is getting more visitors from your created backlinks who are interested in your article.
- If you hardworked to get more than 100 backlinks a day and still didnt get any single user from your backlink than it make no use
few things we should keep in mind while creating backlinks for our site/blog
- Always try to put backlink to site having higher pagerank
- The website/blog where you posting your backlink must allowing dofollow links
- Always write a high quality article for your page which is used by you for backlinking
- Never Put Affiliated products or more ads to your backlink landing page
- Try to make more interlinks to your landing page. i.e create more inlinks to your own site from your backlink landing page.
- Use quality Keywords heading and descriptions while posting your backlinks.
How to get BackLinks
- Social bookmarking
- Pinging and RSS feed
- Backlinking from your articles
- Video submission sites
- Commenting on blogs and forums
Three Online free Tools you must use for promoting your site


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