Friday 25 May 2012

Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012

When you think about what path to take to increase your income this year, there are so many routes you can take it can be overwhelming. It’s important to remember though, no matter which idea you choose; you have a lot of hard work ahead of you. If you want that work to be enjoyable, the key is to choose the best small business idea for 2012, for you!

10. Customised event invitations:

customised event invitations Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
There will always be special events and occasions, even during a recession. The only thing that’s changed; is that today’s savvy consumers are seeking out cheaper, non-mass produced versions of things. This includes printed invitations.
If you’re a skilled graphic artist you can create customised designs for your clients, and make a nice profit helping others get beautifully designed bespoke invitations. If you can develop a relationship with a printer and add that into the package, there’s room for even better profit margins.

9. Pop up fashion/home-ware boutique:

Pop up fashion Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
Are you an avid collector of fashion and accessories, both new and old? Do you have an attic filled with home-ware, furniture and kitchen appliances that you don’t use?
Then why not arrange a pop-up boutique? What makes this a little bit different to a yard sale is the amount of thought and visual merchandising that goes into your displays.Take your old goods and display them in such an inviting way that people want to buy them. To make this idea scalable you could offer the same service for other people and take a commission.

8. Promote other people’s products:

affiliate marketing Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
This idea is not exactly original, but the bottom line is, it continues to be extremely profitable for a large number of people. The way to make affiliate or networking marketing as painless and enjoyable as possible: choose a niche and product that you really do love. It’s far easier to promote and endorse something every day that you really do believe in.
If you know how to network, build communities and drive traffic to your offer, you can still make a steady income with this method. It’s worth mentioning that this small business idea for 2012, is not the passive source of income some online marketers would like you to believe.

7. Run small tours:

Run small tours Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
Maybe you know your city like the back on your hand. Maybe you have been travelling to Vietnam for the last 3 years and know one particular region incredibly well? There are always people looking for English speaking guides who will take them on low key tours of a place and help them uncover hidden gems.
Small businesses like this are popping up all over Asia, especially in China. Recently a 27year old American woman started a small business taking international tourists on guided shopping trips of Shanghai. Providing transportation and an interpreter, she’s now taken this small business idea and transformed it into a full time income.

6. Concierge services:

Concierge services Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
These days people are busier than ever juggling home, work and family commitments. It’s easy to forget the everyday things like collecting the dry cleaning, taking the dog for a check-up and booking those train tickets to see your parents 3 hours away.
If you’re an organised, flexible person with an uncanny knack for multi-tasking. You can take the pressure of off busy people and start your own small business in the process. For minimal start-up costs you could offer concierge services in your area and create an income, whilst doing the everyday things that you would do anyway.

5. Home catering:

home catering Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
With television shows like ‘come dine with me’ and the emergence of pop-up restaurants. If you’re a skilled chef or excellent at baking then you could be using your passion to make a tidy profit. Start a pop-up catering business that caters to small groups in homes and offices, and make a name for yourself by offering the tastiest most imaginative food you can make.
There are some healthy and safety considerations to bear in mind when you start this type of business. But if you like to cook and spend time in the kitchen this small business idea for 2012 could suit you perfectly.

4. Custom alterations:

Customised alterations Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
With several nations still firmly in the grip of a recession, and no fixed date when it will end. It would seem the make do and mend philosophy, is here to stay. If you have sewing, knitting, mending and alteration skills, these are now very much in high demand. People are holding on to their belongings for longer and repairing them rather than replacing them. Use your domestic and creative skills to generate extra income.

3. Create a niche content farm:

Create a niche content farm Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
With Google changing its algorithm every 5 minutes, generic content farms like ehow ask, and ezine are losing the power they once had to supply quality back links to websites. It’s important to remember though, the founders of these websites still make $$$$ every single day.
Take this content farm concept and make a micro niche content site, and you too could enjoy some of the same financial success.

2. Monetise a FB fan page:

facebook money Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
Ever wondered how a Facebook fan page goes from have 5 to 5’000 likes in 1 week? Ever wondered what’s possible when that attention and social proof reaches 30’000 likes?. Marketers get interested in your audience, that’s what.
If your fan page is in a targeted niche and has an engaged community, you can sell the admin rights or offer exclusive advertising and make a ton on money.

1. Social media consultant:

Social media consultant Top 10 Best Small Business Ideas For 2012
As we cruise into 2012 it’s fair to say that every business needs to have an online presence. To coin a popular phrase “those who aren’t are leaving money on the table”. If you have an EXCELLENT handle on social media tools, practices and marketing principles. You can offer your expertise and be of service to many small business owners who just don’t have the time or the know-how.
For very little starting capital you make generate a new revenue stream working from home as a social media consultant.

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