Tuesday 29 May 2012

Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World

A developed and independent country practices the act of democracy which every citizen to share his or her thoughts and take part in the development and the betterment of the country. Their Leaders are chosen via a democratic policy and after serving their declared time stint; they peacefully leave the leadership and then allow other contender to explore his or her ideas and work for the betterment of their countries. But there some of the very renowned leaders in the world who have served a record time period, whether in a democratic way or by force. So here I have gathered the list of top 10 longest serving leaders in the world who are in power for more than 20 years and have outlasted all the theories regarding the time stint of a leader. So let’s have check.

10. Blaise Compaoré

Blaise Compaoré Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Burkina Faso
Serving Since: 15 October 1987
Years in Power: 24
End of Term: Still Serving

9. Yoweri Museveni

yoweri museveni Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Uganda
Serving Since: January 26 1986
Years in Power: 25
End of Term: Still Serving

8. Hun Sen

Hun Sen Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Cambodia
Serving Since: January 14 1985
Years in Power: 26
End of Term: Still Serving

7. Paul Biya

Paul Biya Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Cameroon
Serving Since: 6 November 1982
Years in Power: 29
End of Term: Still Serving

6. Ali Khamenei

Ali Khamenei Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Iran
Serving Since: October 2 1981
Years in Power: 30
End of Term: Still Serving

5. Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Robert Gabriel Mugabe Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Zimbabwe
Serving Since: April 18 1980
Years in Power: 31
End of Term: Still Serving

4. José Eduardo dos Santos

José Eduardo dos Santos Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Angola
Serving Since: September 10 1979
Years in Power: 32
End of Term: Still Serving

3. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbaso

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbaso Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Equatorial Guinea
Serving Since: August 3 1979
Years in Power: 32
End of Term: Still Serving

2, Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh

ali abdullah saleh Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Yemen
Serving Since: July 18 1978
Years in Power: 33
End of Term: Still Serving

1. Muammar al-Gaddafi

Muammar al Gaddafi Top 10 Longest Serving Leaders In The World
Country: Libya
Serving Since: September 1 1969
Years in Power: 42
End of Term: Still Serving

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