Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy

Budgeting is one of the financial tips that financial experts advise to their clients in ensuring that they will not run out of money and debts can be avoided as much as possible. One of the things that really ruin financial status is the natural impulse of man in buying unwanted and unnecessary things, especially if you are strolling in the mall and even if you are in grocery stores. In fact, there are useful and quality items which have been used by others, which are being sold in thrift stores and found in some garage sales. Here are the second hand stuffs that you should buy the next time you go for a hunt. So below are the 10 things that you should buy only used icon smile Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy

10. Recordings
10. Recordings e1332433331788 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
To all grannies, grandpas and even your parents, listening to music, which had been recorded in vinyl discs during their time, is one of the things that they really missed and cherished. You could hardly find those recordings these days due to accessibility of downloading the latest music online. They are indeed good buys for them.

9. Past Movies
9. Past Movies e1332433371789 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
You could not buy video tapes anymore because there are huge demands of DVDs these days. CDs are being outdated aside from the downloading opportunity that youngsters can get online.

8. Musical Instruments
8. Musical Instruments e1332433398289 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
Musical equipment are indeed pricy, but you can still find decent selections of microphones, recording instruments, pianos, organs, and even guitars, which are tagged in a very affordable price. You don’t need new ones if the quality and performance are still at par.

7. Sports Equipment
7. Sports Equipment e1332433426966 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
Being physically fit requires time and money, aside from the effort that you have to exert and sacrifice just to gain the desired weight and shape. Hence, you don’t need to be enrolled in any expensive gym just to use their state-of-the-art sports equipment because you can still have the same value with second-hand choices of gym tools.

6. Quality Designer Clothes
6. Quality Designer Clothes e1332433452621 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
Women loves to shop and in fact, if you know how to make proper mix and pair of clothes even if they are already used, it would still look as brand new, just like the ones that can be seen on display in some of the department stores. Remember, you need to find quality ones and not items that you have to alter, not unless you are going to experiment out of those old pieces.

5. Books
5. Books e1332433477583 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
These are generally outdated old materials that cannot be out listed on this list. They are good options for those who are still studying, especially those who are taking their masters and post degree courses.  Knowledge is still current, aside from computer programming and other methodologies for some courses these days.

4. Computers/Laptops
4. ComputersLaptops e1332433503503 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
Computers and Laptops are not just wants these days but they are considered to be needs. In fact, they are not just intended for employees but even for students. You don’t need the latest ones if your purpose will be served greatly.

3. Mobile Phones
3. Mobile Phones e1332433526883 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
Communication is an integral part of human daily activities. This is the reason why there are growing competition and demands when it comes to cheap mobile phones. Hence, if you want to buy decent and high-end ones, you don’t have to buy new phones. You can purchase second-hand gadgets from those users who have bought the latest mobile phones.

2. Furniture
2. Furniture e1332433551199 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
This is not just for the purpose of saving, but there is a high quality of old furniture, which is durable where it could last a century.

1. Car
1. Car e1332433575242 Top 10 Used Things That You Should Buy
If you can’t afford to buy a new car, you don’t have to worry, especially if your financial situation cannot meet the amortization plans of some of the car companies. Just shop around for old vehicles and then it’s up to you if you want to make full-bodied custom cars later. This would in turn be a wise investment because you can sell it later at a fair price if you would plan to buy a new car in the future. You would really save thousands of bucks. In reality, it is better than buying a new car since its value and market price are depreciating after it has been released and used for a few months or even just weeks.

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