Friday 25 May 2012

Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items

Undoubtedly, food is a necessary item in everyday life. Man has been hunting for food since prehistoric times. And it’s because without food, life is out of the question. Humans, in general, like to see advancements. They want to spice up their lives by making changes in their proximity. Likewise, eating the same kind of food over and over again accounts for the urge to prepare something with an unusual taste. And for this very reason, different cuisines evolved.
Every culture has a rich food background. In fact, food has become a distinct and vital part of every culture. If you like to travel around, have gotten acquainted with different cultures and are a food maniac, you must have noticed how delectable every cuisine is in its very own sense. However, I am presenting to you a list of food items which can be regarded as ‘cooking blunders’. They are disliked because, either they don’t taste well or they have a dreadful appearance or they are made from obscene and disgusting items.

disgusting Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items

rocky mountain oysters 300x225 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
Would you ever want to try eating testicles? I would not. Here is this food item I was served
with once when I went to a local restaurant in Colorado. I didn’t know what it was since my relatives had ordered it for me. When I first had it, it didn’t taste that bad actually. But when I found out what it was, I was grossed out. Rocky mountain oysters are bull testicles deep fried in oil.

bitter gourd and shrimp 225x300 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
Ahh! I wish my mom would have never known how healthy bitter gourd was. And it is not just that she thinks it’s healthy but she actually likes that bitter taste of it. She often prepares a meal called “bitter gourd and shrimp” and when I first tasted it, I thought I’d prefer dying than eating this crap.

hasma 300x300 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
It is a Chinese dessert made from the dried fallopian tubes of frogs. These amphibious reproductive organs are able to swell up to 10 to 15 times their dehydrated size once they are rehydrated with water. In the end, some sugar is added to give them the special sweetness. They are sold in a dried shrunken form.

casu marzu 300x210 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
It is found mainly in Italy. Made from sheep milk, this cheese is famous for containing live insect larvae. Larvae, if eaten alive, can pass through the digestive system and live for some time in the intestines. You don’t want to eat insects, do you? Anyway, the cheese was outlawed by the European Union due to health regulations. Supplies of it remained available through black market though.

ox penis Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
Sounds gross right? Well, ox penis is usually used as dog food in its dried form in most western countries. In a few oriental countries, it is eaten raw or after deep frying in oil. In China, it is believed that ox penis gives the eater a great skin and increased longevity.

 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
It is made from dried/salted whitefish and lye. Its name literally means “lye fish” since it is prepared from lye soda. Make sure if you want to try it then it is not overcooked. Overcooking may cause the fish to turn to soap due to the ‘lye’ content present in it. Lutefisk is gelatinous in texture.

balut1 300x198 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
You get up in the morning, rush to the breakfast table for breakfast and hoping to get some good food to get a good start. To your surprise, there is an egg with a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive, in your plate. How pathetic would that be?  Balut is commonly available in Philippines and Vietnam. It has widely earned a reputation as the grossest food. Peel back the shell and along with a typical soft-boiled eggy interior is also the small inert body of a fetal duck; small bones, feathers, beak and all, some more developed than others.

escamoles 300x225 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
These are larvae of ants, harvested from the roots of the maguey (mescal) plant in México. They have a buttery taste and a little bit nutty as well. To obtain escamol, they have to dig two feet down to reach a single nest of larvae. Special care must be taken while digging since ant’s bite can be extremely painful.

pacha 300x125 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
is a traditional Iraqi dish prepared from sheep’s head, trotters and stomach; all boiled slowly in the broth and served with bread. Cheeks and tongues are the most tasteful parts. What about the eyeballs? Well, most people ignore them and eat the rest of it.
Pacha is well known in Kuwait and a few other gulf countries as well. In Iran it is named as ‘Kale Pache.’ Iranians usually consume it as a breakfast soup. It includes lambs head (including brain), tongues, and hooves, and is seasoned with lemon and cinnamon. A variation of it is found in Egypt and is known as ‘Kawari.’

Desi Curry 300x224 Top ten Most Disgusting Food Items
I like food when fried in oil. But I hate it when they HIDE THE FOOD IN OIL. One keeps wondering whether to eat it or drink it. I call it “the sub continental oil soup.”

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